Spread the news! Post flyer(click on link to download flyer) in your office and make your reservations Today!
our guest speaker,
Kristen brown pogreba, PhD
will be talking about the role in public health in regards to outbreak investigations and surveilance systems. Interesting topics!!! CEUs will be awarded for attending this education session.
Want to Run for an office on the State board or nominate someone who will be an excellent candidate? complete the nomination form (click on link to download form) and submit it by march 1st. voting will take place at the Annual state meeting. all candidates running for office must be present at the meeting. [Must be active member to run for office and vote].
Hope to see you in TUCSON!!!!
Here we come...
The Society Board is interested in coming to your city to hold an education session where you can earn CEUs to maintain your certification. If you are interested in hosting a meeting in your city, please send us your information, date and time you want the meeting to be held and set up a venue. We will be there. Any questions please contact the society President Mary Dockall at or Vice President Christine Martin at .
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What we really want to know is, are you receiveing all the newsletters, updates and conference information? Be sure to update your e-mail address with the AAMA National headquarters so that you get the latest and greatest news of what's happening with our profession by logging on to https://aama-ntl.org.